If you do not know JIRA is a web based mainly used for bugs and issues tracking and for project management.  The company Atlassian created an add-on for JIRA called agile and it can really be helpful to gather every agile methodologies and make it accessible. Like they say whether you are an expert or a beginner with Agile, it has it all.  In my opinion it is a good thing to gather all these features with agile because there are other softwares for agile project development such as Targetprocess 3 or OnTime.  JIRA has a nice interface wich can help by reviewing their past performances before and it will allow the team to plan their next sprint with good precision.  it permits to look at the backlog and check which story has the highest importance for their customer and better understand the length of this story.  The teams working with JIRA can easily update the workboard.  The software permits the team to check and manage their progress during the sprint.  Once the sprint is done it will fastly show up what was done with ease and where there was any problems.  However, like any software it can be challenging to use a new software because each program has different button location and how it works.  This is like using 3DS Max and then switching to Maya it takes time to get accustomed to the interface.  From what I can see, Atlassian has a lot of ressources and tutorials to help anyone such as https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/JIRA+Agile+101
and different Atlassian youtube videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca8n9uW3afg
JIRA in Agile development

JIRA in Agile development

Here is a little article about JIRA and what it can do for project management and agile Projects Time Scale Debut: Wednesday February 26th 2014 Развернуть


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