Profil von Jahanvi Singh

Visual Design | QuickSell | Jan - July '22

Hey, this project is a collective representation of visual design assets created by me! As the only Visual Designer at QuickSell, I contributed to the organization's marketing/growth, sales and product development by brainstorming ideas and designing graphics & videos that purposefully communicate the brand values.

QuickSell is a cataloguing and sales acceleration platform that empowers businesses to transform conversations into conversions. 

Facebook ADs : Lead Generation and Acquisition | Trust Building | Promotion of Product Features and Offerings
​​​​​​​Carousel AD : Highlights the organization's top features, offerings and user testimonials.
​​​​​​​Video AD 1 : Webinar for clothing businesses on Instagram
Video AD 2 : Webinar for B2B clothing businesses
Video AD 3 : Live Analytics Feature
Video AD 4 : Big brands on QuickSell
- Voice-over and video visualization by the project owner (Jahanvi)
LinkedIn ADs : Lead Generation and Acquisition | Promotion of Product Features and Offerings
Video ADs : Personal Commerce (Cataloguing) on QuickSell
Native App : New Launch Announcement | Feature Promotion via FB and Google AD Campaigns 
Video 1 : For Facebook ADs and Social Media Post
Video 2 : For Facebook ADs and Social Media (~15 sec story)
Memes : Social Media Engagement | Brand Promotion
Push Notifications : Customer Engagement | Promotion of Product Features | Daily Communication
Daily Reminders : Urging users to increase their sales and receive more orders by sharing digital catalogues with their customers.
Note: We experimented with meme creatives and received a comparatively higher CPR! The data literally said, "Why so serious?" :P
Product Feature Promotion: Communicating the top features of QuickSell to help users achieve higher sales conversions.
New Feature Launch: Communicating a new product feature to the users of QuickSell.
QuickSell x IBJA (India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd.)​​​​​​​
Magazine ADs for IBJA Bulletin : Product promotion among the strong network of IBJA Jewellers to acquire new users for QuickSell.
​​​​​​​Website Banner for
​​​​​​​QuickSell x CGAI (Corporate Gifting Association of India)
QuickSell x Referral (in App) : Customer Acquisition | Product Promotion | Community Building
- Re-designed the Referral Screen with a cleaner interface, step-wise instructions and a new graphic to clearly represent the reward being offered.
QuickSell x Referral (impromptu) : Customer Acquisition | Community Building | Communication
QuickSell x Channel Partner : Customer Acquisition | Community Building
Static Creatives : For Facebook and LinkedIn Ad Campaigns
Video : For Facebook and LinkedIn Ad Campaigns
QuickSell x Special Offers : Festive Offers | Discounts on Subscription Plans | Lead Conversion
Republic Day Sale : Social Media | WhatsApp | Push Notification
February Month-end Special Offer : WhatsApp | Push Notification
Bihu and Baisakhi Sale : Social Media | WhatsApp | Push Notification
Biggest Holi Sale : Social Media | WhatsApp | Push Notification
International Women's Day Special Offer : Social Media | WhatsApp | Push Notification
Designed static graphics & GIFs to create a cohesive visual aesthetic for the website while communicating the product features clearly.
Designed pop-up screen (in App) with a discount offer for the users whom 7-day free trial has expired.
Below are some of the pop-up screen options that were created and iterated in process to reach the final one (shown above).
Re-designed UI screens for the 'Learn' section in App
1. To find usability issue in the existing screen of 'Learn' Section and fix them.
2. To add an additional feature that allows users to see the preview of a sample catalogue. 

Usability issues and their solutions:
Problem The first sub-heading 'Explore the App' doesn't convey the message of highlight video clearly.
Solution: Heading changed to 'Top 5 Reasons to use the app' -- more catchy and informative.

Problem: The videos added under 'Help Centre - How to Use QuickSell?' are not in proper grid and the text below them is wrapped in multiple lines, making it difficult to read at one go. The screen looks a bit cluttered.
Solution: Show the video thumbnail on the left and the title on the right, giving a little more space to the title and therefore, reducing the wrapping of text in multiple lines. Also, added the duration of each video below the video title. Also, now we show just 2 or 3 videos on the main 'Learn' page and the rest of the videos are accessible when users click on 'More >' located right to the sub-heading. This makes the screen looks less cluttered and more organized. I've also added a section of 'Customer Experience' for user testimonials.

Sample Catalogue Feature: Added a button for 'Sample Catalogue' right below the main heading of 'Learn' page which opens a pop-up screen for users to view either a catalogue of the same industry as their or any random one.
Preview Assets : For iOS App Store and Google Play Store
Designed logo, preview assets, banners & product showcase videos for marketing campaigns.
Check out Play Store Preview Assets for QuickSell users: CLICK HERE​​​​​​​
Above brands are hypothetically created for presentation purposes, since the organization doesn't allow sharing of real user information.
And, that's a wrap! Do leave a Like or Comment below.
Visual Design | QuickSell | Jan - July '22

Visual Design | QuickSell | Jan - July '22
