Leonisa Catalog Sales Conference Logo
Various pieces used and handed out to the people at the conference:
Certificate of Participation, Pen, Survey, Name Tag, and a Thank You Card/Coupon
Certificate of Participation for people who attended the conference
A survey given out to look for suggestions on how to improve the program
The initial invitation that is sent out for the Conference, sized for a regular #10 envelope.
The initial invitation that is sent out for the Conference, sized for a regular #10 envelope.
E-Newsletter invitation sent out beforehand, and another sent out after attending that is a coupon.
Leonisa MÁS CORAZÓN 2014
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Leonisa MÁS CORAZÓN 2014

Pieces done for an event, Más Corazón, that is meant to be a conference for the members of the Leonisa Catalog Sales Business.

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