Design Metamorphosis | FBAUL 2021 Open Day Concept

Design Metamorphosis is the idealisation of a program of activities for the Open Day of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL).

Being, at the same time, the celebration of an anniversary (FBAUL’s 185th anniversary), we wanted to plan an open day that had the passage of time and to FBAUL’s heritage as its main themes, associating it with design (the main subject of the activities). Hence why Design Metamorphosis addresses the changes that occurred in design during the 20th and 21st centuries, with the purpose to reflect of how design reacts and influences changes in society. It also addresses the exploration of the design process and the changes that occur in it, exploring how it will evolve in the future.

After the conceptualization of the the day, the planification of the activities and the creation of a schedule, we present you some the the communication objects that were produced.

Andreia Gil
Lúcio Simões
Pedro Diogo Tavares
Raquel Canário

A Communication Design IV project, FBAUL
Projeto realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Design de Comunicação IV na FBAUL

Design Metamorphosis | FBAUL 2021 Open Day Concept