Foggy Boats In B&W
A selection of photos from the weekend sailing, a deep fog rolled in and made everything look very nice.
The first image was taken at sunrise when the clouds were high and contrasty, I liked the light rays coming from the sky onto the boat. The boat in this shot is an Atlantic class sailboat. I shot this photo at 28mm for a wide angle look and to capture the entire sky. The second photo was shot at 105mm. It differs from the first, as it has more grain and the sea was higher at the time.
Both images were taken after the fog rolled into the bay, and were taken around 100mm in order to zoom on the subject. 
I liked the reflection that came from this boat. The overall style here is inspired by Michael Kahn's photography I would highly recommend checking out his work, it is amazing. 
This will probably end up as the cover of this project, It is a picture of the fog surrounding the millstone power plant. I liked how the smoke stack barely breached the fog and the rest is surrounded. I edited with a low contrast feel, to really convey the density of the mist. 
Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed today's pictures, check out my page for more!
Boats 1
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Boats 1

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