Translation: App for the assistance to caretakers of Alzheimer's patients.
Logo requirements: Not just typography, adaptable to different platforms, colors related to healthcare (blues and greens)
Tools in the app to consider: Calendar, Interactive Map, Games and Chatbot.
Competence: Similar apps.
User: To who is directed? Amateur caretakers, patient's families and support nets.
Communication goal: To transmit that the app is the tool that will help you navigate this situation. No matter any of your previous knowledge of the subject. Through different gadgets, organizes the responsibility/es of the caretaker/s and makes it easy to access to useful information. It's a support net for the support net.
Key concepts: accompaniment, organization, safety, net, tools, warmth. 
Communication elements |
-Color scheme: Aqua Green (hope), Navy Blue (health), Orange (company) 
-Graphic signs: Minimal organic shapes and iconic hands
-Typography: League Spartan Black, sans serif, lower case.
Proposal |
-Variant without the name.
-'black' type typography denotes a solidity, which gives the feeling of strenght and security.
-Hands place one over the other signifies help.
-The organic figure makes it more friendly. 




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