Giant Puffems

A project to design the products for a new range of squishy collectable animals for Tobar. I was asked to come up with a potential series of characters that were tactile, simple and friendly while at the same time having clearly definable features.

Each were based around the same core principles of a giant puffy ball with the same eyes and pink cheeks, but then each would differ in colours and unique features such as wings, fins, horns, etc. to make each character an individual who was part of a set.

I created 9 proposals, of which 3 went ahead as an initial introduction to the series. The remaining designs were delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. 

The packaging was designed by my colleague Sarah Bloomfield who did a fantastic job at expanding the world I created through graphics. Her part of the project can be found on her Behance profile.




Creative Fields