Profil appartenant à Vladyslav Kovalchuk

Drinkable gazpacho branding

Liquid Intake / Food & Drink
Miami / USA

                   Natural gazpacho-producing company based in Miami. It was necessary to create
                   an eye-catching logo and a labels.

                   Since the basic natural ingredients of gazpacho are green, we use a flowing pattern
                   of green shades for the background of the labels.

Design concept - 2022
Liquid Intake Gourmet Gazpacho is produced in a few flavors: Sweet Traditional Tomato, Mango, Strawberry and Watermelon.
As an environment-friendly business, Liquid Intake use  bottles made of 100% recyclable plastic. In addition, only natural ingredients are used in composition.
Drinkable gazpacho branding
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Drinkable gazpacho branding

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