The calendar 2021 was created by me and Hanwen Zhang during the pandemic and with its endless pixelated wildflowers, it aims to bring optimistic expectations for the coming year.

People started to feel a distance between me and the actual life since the pandemic of 2020. When we are stuck in our bedrooms while the spring is happening outside. When we are not allowed to meet our friends and can only feel strangers face behind their masks on the underground. When the real window becomes all the windows on our screen, peoples death becomes numbers in our app, the boundary between individuals and the world has been blurred and the spring becomes so far away and pixeled.

Counting days, the spring will come eventually.

2021Canlendar 在疫情期间设计并生产出来,无穷尽的像素野花希望能为新的一年带来一丝期盼。

自 2020 年大流行以来,人们开始自己离真实生活越来越远。春天阳光正好,窗外野花开得烂漫,而世界上大多是人却只能被困在卧室里。 我们无法和远方的朋友见面,在地铁上看见一群群带着口罩的人。 我们用社交软件与人交流,真实的窗户变成我们屏幕上窗口,春天也变成一颗颗的像素。


The calendar 2021

The calendar 2021
