CoBreCo is a concept that sounds fun, dynamic, and refreshing when you enjoy a portion of delicious drink that will make you say “CoBreCo”. CoBreCo is the name of a coffee product that meets the needs of drinking delicious, cool, and convenient coffee on hot summer days without having to move to a coffee shop. CoBreCo is cold brew blends combined with dried fruit, just soak the coffee overnight and you have a great cup of coffee for a summer day.

When you think of a summer day, you will immediately think of the image of the blazing sun, hot sun, pouring into the lakes, creating shimmering light effects.
CoBreCo product is the box containing those cool water lines. Each stream of water will create a special flavor for your weekday. Box concept created by cool water flow image.

Because the image of cold brew coffee must be soaked in water and the above points are fruits. In each coffee box, use an image associated with the concept of flowing water. The part of the fruit image is shaped like sunlight casting a shadow as if the fruit is realistically reflecting freshness in the water.

Thank You
Graphic Design: Duy Dang
Year: 2020



