Monotonomo ™s profil

Plumwood Mountain Journal - Website

Plumwood Mountain Journal is an Australian and international journal of ecopoetry and ecopoetics that publishes new work by writers that respond in diverse, imaginative and intimately-located ways to our relationship with the Earth, and most urgently, to the climate crisis unfolding before us.

We were engaged to design a new online presence for the journal, where the world of poetry could breathe a new life. A place for reading and reflection, taking the readers on a journey through words, thoughts and ideas for environmental action and awareness. 
From poetry reading to book reviews and essays, the website was carefully crafted to be functional and engaging, to be a reading place with an inspiring atmosphere.
With two annual publications, each with thirty poems on average, the journal is the main focus of the website. Each issue has a different colour palette that reflects the theme and the issue's cover identity. This creates a visual variation to the pages and a colour identification that feeds into the individual poems' detail page.   |   instagram: @monotonomo
Plumwood Mountain Journal - Website


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Plumwood Mountain Journal - Website

Plumwood Mountain Journal is an Australian and international journal of ecopoetry and ecopoetics that publishes new work by writers that respond Läs mer


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