Valerie M profili

Content for Non Profit Organization

“Generate a Buzz” is one of the many monthly training sessions I developed with my project manager. We came up with a relevant concept, acquire experts willing to speak on the subject and ensure that each event has a minimum number of participants. We coordinate with a non profit organization to stay on brand with the overall vision of entrepreneurial support. This particular Webinar was especially successful as it exceeded our attendee goal and had excellent feedback.
Here is a concept I designed for a three part series presented by the Women’s Business Border Center. These flyers would be used on all the online platforms of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, along with their weekly newsletters and web pages. In addition, they would be printed and given out at all other networking events as an invitation.
Content for Non Profit Organization
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Content for Non Profit Organization

Content creator for non profit organization that specializing in empowering and educating minorities and women in business,

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