Mads Fjeldsaunet sin profil

Photos taken with my Hasselblad

I have always loved photography, so about a year ago, I bought myself an used Hasselblad 500el/m. It's fitted with a standard 80mm f2.8 lens and a A12 film magazine.

These shots are from three different films, one color iso 100,  a BW iso 100, and the last one is a BW 400
This is my colleague Astrid Sylvester, who i work with at Øien & Indergaard
This shot was taken last summer. A large swan landed in the water, right where i was relaxing in the sun. luckily i had my camera with me, and I got two great shots, before it flew away again. 
These shots was also taken last summer, at my girlfriends summerhouse. At the picture below, i tried to capture the frog my girlfriend is holding, but i couldn't come closer, due to the focus.
this was just a random shot of my room mate, Simen. I think i took this on a lazy sunday morning. I haven't done anything with the colors, but i really like them
Photos taken with my Hasselblad

Photos taken with my Hasselblad

random shots from my Hasselblad
