Profil appartenant à Zahir Hussain

Subliminal CDs And MP3s with Mindzoom

How to Build a Better Life Using Subliminal Messages

Want to know everything check out Mindzoom, Why do some individuals succeed effortlessly while others work so hard but never do? Why do some people deal with stress better than others, while only a small percentage of people never seem to experience stress at all? Why do some people have happy, fulfilling relationships while the majority of us have trouble maintaining them? Have you ever thought about the causes of "fortunate" people's luck or the causes of "unlucky" people's unlucky?

This post was created to demonstrate how years of searching for solutions to life's issues led me to learn about the effectiveness of real subliminal messages.

Why do some people succeed effortlessly while others toil away in vain? Why do some people manage stress better than others, while only a small percentage of people never seem to experience stress at all? Have you ever questioned why some individuals have wonderful relationships and others do not? Have you ever thought about the causes of "fortunate" people's luck or the causes of "unlucky" people's unlucky?

I didn't find the answer and the solution until I was in my late thirties, after much soul-searching and being a self-improvement junkie since the early age of 15.

I have always believed that our thoughts greatly influence the kind of life we have. I realised how strong thoughts are. I was aware that our responses to events in life affect how we feel about them and about life in general. I also understood that the very thoughts we have have a tendency to draw those circumstances into our life, sometimes even creating them. But no matter how much affirmation, visualisation, or other methods I used, I was unable to achieve success or happiness. That was before I learned about the effectiveness of subliminal messages and how to employ them to solve the root issue!

I began to have doubts about the validity of the power of the mind when I found that, despite my efforts to think positively and visualise my ideal life, I was only receiving poor results at best and the opposite outcomes at worst. Although something deep within of me always told me it was real. I just couldn't figure out why my efforts were not yielding the desired outcomes.

Whether you realise it or not, your thinking determines the events in your life. The fundamental fabric of the universe can be directed by human thinking. They may be the strongest force ever discovered by Man! The mind, however, has hundreds or even thousands of thoughts per minute. The subconscious mind is where we think most of the time. These are subconscious thoughts, therefore by definition they are frequently brief and unrecognised.

Visualisation and optimistic thinking should always be effective if ideas really do create reality. Right?


You may use your imagination effectively and start working on manifesting your ideal life if you sit for 20 minutes and imagine it. That much is beyond question! However, how are you utilising your thinking to generate the remaining 940 awake minutes? What are your unconscious thoughts conjuring up for you in your life, in your opinion?

If you pay attention to how you say and respond to circumstances throughout the day, you can get a sense of how you are subconsciously thinking. Your subliminal thoughts are likely negative and at odds with your conscious desires if you are not living the life you want to be living.

For instance, if you imagine and declare that you are becoming wealthy but complain and focus on your lack of money during the day, you are allowing your subconscious, subliminal ideas to make things worse for you! These subliminal or unconscious ideas are constantly working against your conscious aims. Negative thinking can never be defeated by ten minutes of visualisation, affirmations, or any other personal development technique.

It is futile to make an effort to consciously regulate this negativity. Thoughts fly through your head so quickly that they are frequently disregarded, but it is possible to utilise strategies like being careful in watching your thinking and reversing it as soon as you have a bad thought. However, this takes effort and is taxing!

I've tried the method of wrapping a rubber band around my wrist. I would snap the band any time a bad idea crossed my mind. Soon, I began to correlate bad thoughts with suffering (albeit only slight pain). This strategy does indeed work, but it is sluggish, and I discovered that I could only focus on utilising it for my goals, not my general thinking. When considering my objectives, my mind solely connected negative thoughts with suffering. This is primarily due to the fact that I could only apply this technique when thinking on my current goal because I was dragging around so much negativity. If I had tried to utilise this method to get rid of all my "generic" negativity, I would have been snapping the rubber all day long, just like the rest of the populace!

This is when I came to the realisation that there must be an unconscious and subliminal cure if my negative ideas are unconscious and subliminal in nature. I made the choice to use fire as a weapon! I decided to stop using my conscious mind to try to solve the problem and instead use my subliminal mind because my conscious mind was not the issue, my subconscious mind was. That makes logical, no?

When hypnosis proved to be so successful, I decided to attempt subliminal messages. A extremely effective method for reprogramming the mind is hypnosis. But you must make time to practise the hypnosis every day for at least 30 days for each condition. You can just press "play" to let subliminal messages play in the background. In order to reach the subconscious mind directly, directives must be conveyed subliminally, below the level of conscious awareness.

I sometimes listened to my subliminal messages at night as well as when working and
performing daily duties. I discovered that although some subliminal message recordings helped me go asleep and relax, others kept me awake as they exposed and changed my thought patterns and old behaviours.

Once I used this strategy, I started seeing fantastic outcomes. Depending on the subliminal messages I employed, my unconscious thought started to shift toward positivity, and I was able to stop the negative thought patterns that were always operating in my brain like programmes. Furthermore, I discovered that I could practically utilise subliminal signals to programme my subconscious mind to accept any belief I chose.

Subliminal CDs And MP3s with Mindzoom
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Subliminal CDs And MP3s with Mindzoom

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