The Heˈlō Project

The Hә’lō Project is about taking a second look at first impressions. 
It’s about using design to break down the digital divide in South Africa.
It’s about looking at how job-seekers, artisans and craftsmen are introduced to their communities.  
It’s about collaborating and creating branding and marketing to achieve this.
It’s about you. And me. And everybody.  

Previous post:
This brand identity was for Gift Cycles run by Providence (better known as Proff). He is a highly inspiring, intelligent man from Zimbabwe. Every night he can be found rotating his way around the restaurants in a suburb in Cape Town called Observatory selling his beautiful artworks. His artworks are bicycles, scooters and other promotional items made from wire, beads and recycled cans. He studied engineering in Zimbabwe so all the bits and pieces on the artworks actually work (the pedals pedal)! They really are incredible pieces. And I have never met a more passionate man. He really believes in his work. And so do I. 
Prof requested that I turn the bike on the business cards around so that when he puts the cards in the bicycles to display them the bikes both face the same way. 
His phone was stolen and so he is using a different number now so we decided to leave a blank space for him to write his number in instead of printing it (until he gets his old number back).
Prof bought these great plastic boxes to package the bicycles
I made stickers for them and we wrote a little peice about what he does so people buying the bikes understand his project. 
We went to an event in Cape Town called Moonlight Mass to sell the bikes. Moonlight mass is an organised event for cyclists to get together every full moon and do a night time ride around the city. 
One of our happy customers ;)
This is Morgan.
Serendipity! Out of all the hundreds of people at the event Prof approached this guy. Turns out he owns a bike shop in Cape Town! So we set up a meeting. 
Morgan has commisioned Prof to make wire beaded baskets for his bicycles. He will also display Prof's bikes in his shop on consignment. And Rondie's Bikes - Morgans bike shop - will be joining th Heˈlō project! Serendipity indeed. 
Gift Cycles Marketing

Gift Cycles Marketing

Part of the heˈlō project- This brand identity was for Gift Cycles run by Providence (better known as Proff). He is a highly inspiring, intelli Další informace


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