Walking on Waves

To call 2013 a bad year for a lot of dear friends I know is an understatement. This is dedicated to those who are still plodding on water as waves continue to loom and crash. We move forward above the ocean’s shapeless form by keeping our eyes on what little Light and Good we can still hold on to.

And for those who profess to know the Sovereign Will, there above the darkest depth, we know at last the assured promise by which we are called.

A literal interpretation of 2 comforting songs – Hillsong United’s Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) and Lifehouse’s Storm.
Crossing Charles Bridge

Charlie couldn’t take his eyes off the Crucifix as he crosses the historical bridge during family vacation. His world of fluffy bunnies and chocolate eggs was momentarily eclipsed by the iconography of a naked dying man. On the cusp of understanding, his young mind worked hard to make sense of it all.

Stephen Chbosky posits in The Perks of Being a Wallflower that “We accept the love we think we deserve.” I think that concept is applicable on a much wider scale in how we believe the metanarratives we think we deserve. Would believing in the Easter Bunny or in the death and resurrection of a man who claimed to be the Son of God or not believing in anything at all give more richness, depth and colours to your life?

Your call!
Angels on Wheels
Riding towards the nativity play, perhaps it isn’t so hard looking forward with heads held high
The Christorii
"I am the way and the truth and the life..." ~ John 14:6
Faith-based Illustrations

Faith-based Illustrations

An on-going series of illustrations pertaining to the Christian faith.


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