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shahr peter shoreditch engagement shoot

Peter and Shahr Engagement shoot - Albert Palmer 
Towards the end of last year, when the days got shorter and colder I headed to Shoreditch to meet Shahr and Peter wedding . We headed out in to the crowded streets. Wondered around food stores and antique markets. Saw some pretty epic graffiti to rival that in Bristol. We headed back to their flat and had some coffee. Peter and Shahr changed outfits and we headed out to Hampstead Heath. Their pooch had lots of fun in the wet grass and we walked to the top of the hill, just in time to see the sun set. It was a pretty cool day.
Here are a few of my favourite photographs and you can see more London engagement shoots at the link.
If you’d like to see a few of my other pre wedding London locations do check out this link.
shahr peter shoreditch engagement shoot

shahr peter shoreditch engagement shoot

