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INGENI Branding Identity Project

Company – FOUREST CO., LTD. 
Brand – INGENI 
Project name – Branding Visual Identity Design Project
“我們相信,擁有健康的肌膚才能有健康的生活” — 三位來自理科背景的新肌霓主理人這樣說著。

“ We believe that healthy life brings healthy skin,” said three Mr. Science, who used to be deeply troubled from back acne, which cause them to enter the skincare field researching.
With their own profession and objective view, go deep into the skincare product market and are committed to developing high-efficiency products which recover the skin back to its natural beauty. after the 2017 release the founding product “back mask” then INGENI was born. INGENI insists became a maintained brand that focuses on solving skin problem, and keep developing products that visible change.

我們以「新肌美學、全效配方、身體保養、肌膚調理」作為新肌霓的品牌定位,在此基礎上也希望消費者一同感受新肌霓所要提倡的「生活“新”態度」,我們定下了四個方向「健康生活、展現自我、自然美肌、追求更好」,不只是肌膚在新肌霓能得到改變,更能進一步走向更好的自己。品牌價值的建立過程,從品牌的感性與理性雙向探討,理性面的訴求「安全成分,全效配方」「三位理科先生研發」「點 – 線 – 面 – 體的保養邏輯」,加上感性面的主張「做你的肌膚好管家」「展現生活新態度,提升生活品質」「回歸本美 Innate Beauty」「真誠對待Be Genuine」,以此打造屬於新肌霓的「新肌美學」,做消費者的肌膚管家。

Brand Positioning Strategy
In the present society, people keep chasing “nature”, however, INGENI won’t believe in nature blindly, instead choosing the ingredient with the best affection and safest from multi-material. In the process of the brand digging, we were thinking about why INGENI wanted to change, however, change doesn’t need a reason, it is all about looking for a better self and showing the real me. INGENI is based on four key points “new skin aesthetics, high-efficiency ingredient, body maintain, and skin conditioning” to represent a new life attitude. After we keep discussing and communicating the four directions were made “health life, self showing, natural skin, and chasing anything better”, and we hope INGENI not only could make a change on the skin and more change life by the four directions above. Furthermore, the brand’s value is not just focusing on one demand, so the process of chasing wonderful skin needs to combine sensibility and rationality. And first, the rationality grounds are “safe ingredients and high effect formula”, “researched and developed by three Mr. Science”, and “the skin maintenance logic of point, line, plane, and substance”. Second, the sensible part is “ Be your skin keeper”, “Show the new life attitude, and improve life quality”, “Innate beauty”, and “Be genuine”. We looking forward to finding the best self through the combination of rationality ingredients and a sensibility mind.

回歸本美 Innate Beauty   x   真誠對待Be Genuine

在品牌識別的設計中,改善了原先識別過於纖細不易辨識的問題,全新的識別更著重呈現品牌中性簡約的個性,以Ge為視覺中心,將字母以鏡射構想達到視覺平衡,呈現出品牌由 IN 向外的保養美學,大寫G與小寫e有如調理攪拌的迴圈,呼應品牌以回歸本美,持續循環的核心理念;中文標準字選擇以黑體為基礎,在字的收尾處以上揚的勾筆作為輕盈無負擔的象徵,增添品牌柔軟肌理的意象;品牌色則以理性冷色調-新夜藍,搭配上感性暖色-霓霧粉,串連出理性與感性的平衡。

Brand identity system building
The new identity design is focused on neutral simplicity and combines rationality and sensibility, which is different from the past identity design that shows soft and slim imaging. New identity creates the “G” and “e” as the mirroring type that makes the visual balanced, and the shape is also like a stir loop that represents the skin maintenance aesthetics should be INside out. The branding visual color uses the cold color new night blue with warm color fog pink that connects the balance of rationality and sensibility.


To build a long-term brand tone and consistency, the branding imaging style is a big thought of making branding, it not only transmits the brand idea and feeling, but the visual effects are also the most direct sense. So the light and shadow match with a body shape that expresses a steady but soft brand image, that the rationality and sensibility are assisted at the same time. Choose the blue background and match it with a flow and soft material to create trust, professionalism, quality, and scientific feelings.


Product Features Hue Circle
The packaging design color specification takes the neon color as the concept, distinguishing the product features into seven sections to match the neon color. Moreover, creating color toning as a soft tone reduces conflict with each section and increases the match with the brand identity.

擷取英文品牌名 INGENI 的直線、斜線與橫線,簡化成線性輔助圖形「| \ — — \ | 」,用於所有產品包裝規劃;依照使用部位,美背、美手、美體、私密、美孕、御髮六大項目,運用線性元素的不同排列與之對應,打造專屬的「肌因密碼」,每個部位皆有其保養需求,以六組排列肌因密碼劃分產品間的差異,讓產品更具系統性的規劃,規範出身體部位所對應的產品。

Point, Line, Plane, The Gene Code
Take the straight, diagonal, and horizontal lines from the English brand name “INGENI” to create the linear auxiliary graphics “ | \ – – \ | ”, then use it on the product packaging and business supplies layout design. Furthermore, arrange six different orders of auxiliary graphics that followed each using feature of the product, that the different part of the body needs particular maintenance way, so the gene code could standardize the product and feature systematically, then make market segmentation.


Packaging Design Layout Plan
Take the simple and consistency as the main design goal after organizing the product feature hue circle and the gene code, then create a specification for the layout design plan. First, the gene code as the main layout background and add the neon color that represents the function on the center of the packaging. Second, for making a difference, following the functions part creates each layout proportion that distinguishes the products and also shows the design ingenuity. The whole series packaging design uses the same processing methods ”spot varnish and emboss” that emphasize the product feature and also keep a simple layout.


INGENI from multi “Point” to solve the skin situations, and continue to create the product “Line”, then reach the stable “plane” of skin, and final, let everyone to express a confident self. The whole change of INGENI keeps two main concepts “rationality and sensibility” and every point of design includes this double-sided characteristic, which is the reason to make a brand consistent and create a brand styled and uniquely. INGENI changes inside out tell a new life attitude to consumers and also transmits the core value “sees the change ” of INGENI.

INGENI Branding Identity Project


INGENI Branding Identity Project
