Trance Typography

According to many eastern beliefs, to achieve true enlightenment one must go through a long and profound spiritual process of consciousness transformation. Once the journey is complete the person is forever "enlightened". These beliefs influenced the west and produced the idea that one can also achieve enlightenment through Trance music. However, as opposed to the original idea, this kind of enlightenment is immediate and only takes a few minutes to achieve. Moreover, it is a temporary enlightenment - it fades quickly and can be restored in the next rave party.
Following these two principles - immediate and temporary - and inspired by traditional Indian art, we created a modular typographic system, consists of 13 curved stamps elements, which can be used to construct the whole Hebrew alphabet.
The final product was hand printed using a glow-in-the-dark paint on a 6m long wall.
Design & Sketches
Final Design
A modular version of the hebrew font Drogolin
Two uniquely stylized sets of the typographic modules
Bodhi Typeface
Bodhi Typeface - detail
Moksha Typeface
Bodhi Typeface - detail
Carving Process
Preparing the papers and taking final measurements
Printed Pruduct
Printed Bodhi Typeface
Printed Moksha Typeface
Printed Bodhi typeface
Ptinted Moksha typeface
Typography Course | Department of Visual Communication
Wizo Haifa School of Design and Education
Guidance: Terry Schreuer & Michal Cederbaum
Special thanks: Orit Hofshi
Trance Typography