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5 Warnings signs that it’s to meet a therapist

5 Warnings signs that it’s high time to meet a therapist

“I need therapy”

This is often a phrase that is considered an insult, a poor joke, or rather a punishment. We often say it to someone with who we are angry or to some anonymous person who behaves in an odd manner.

Unlike laymen, psychiatrists often cringe at the thought of the word ‘therapy’ being used in such a demeaning way. Not only is this a wrong way to think of something but it also makes the entire thing sound ‘stigmatizing’. Rather than deeming therapy as a punishment or a joke, we should start believing in its potential benefits.

Let’s take a quick look at the warning signs that prompt you to rush to a therapist.

#1: You're finding it difficult to control your emotions

We all feel anxious, sad, and angry at some point in our lifetime but it is important to check how often we get this feeling. Anger is usually a part of depressive representation and when you can’t control your anger, this is considered a negative trait. Continuously feeling sad or angry or anxious about simple things in life is not normal. If you have been experiencing problems in regulating your emotions, you should rush to a therapist at the Oklahoma City individual counseling firm.

#2: You are not being able to perform effectively at work

Whenever there is a sudden decrease in performance at school or work, this is a sign that the person must be struggling with emotional and psychological issues. Mental health issues can spoil your concentration, attention, energy, and memory, and can lead to the apathy that stems from your drive to work. So, if you feel a sudden disinterest in the work which you loved to do, you should get in touch with a therapist.

#3: You’re finding it hard to maintain relationships

It goes without mentioning that our mental health can have a crucial impact on our relationships. Poor mental health can make a person pull back from the people who were close to them and lead to insecurity and lack of emotional support. In case you find yourself in conflict with yourself and having trouble communicating with the people you love, you should call a therapist and schedule a counseling session.

#4: You don’t enjoy those activities which you previously did

People who suffer from emotional or psychological issues usually feel alienated and isolated from their own life. They tend to lose interest in the activities that they previously loved. They will cringe at the thought of socializing with people or practicing their hobbies. If you find yourself feeling perpetually disinterested in others, you should go and get help from a therapist.

#5: You’re resorting to sex or substance to cope with your issues

Do you find yourself taking resort to substance abuse or sex in order to cope with your mental disturbances? Most often it is seen that sex and substance use are linked as coping mechanisms. If this is your condition, get help immediately.

Therefore, if you’re someone who is going through any or all of the above-listed situations, this means you need the help of a counselor or a therapist.
5 Warnings signs that it’s to meet a therapist
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5 Warnings signs that it’s to meet a therapist

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