Jessica Ray's profile

RE/MAX Technology Website

Introducing booj: Be Original or Jealous
My role: Lead UI and graphic design
The Problem
When RE/MAX purchased a company with a new system called booj, most agents and brokers didn’t know where to start or what they were getting into. Many were reluctant to start using the new product.
The Solution
Relieve users' anxiety about using the new system by showing the capabilities of booj and how it can easily fit into their lives and everyday habits.
Giving the User Context
Buying into a new system is difficult. The solution for booj was to be as transparent and detailed as possible. We opted to show the whole ecosystem and how any or all of the available tools could benefit a real estate agent.
Instead of dropping the user into the middle of screenshots and product demos, we included an intro section. The "why" and how booj was connected as an ecosystem lead naturally into the homepage and scrollable sections showcasing each product, which in turn lead to deeper dives into their respective capabilities.
The Message
It was important to show not just the practical elements available to agents, but also the ease with which they can contact clients and leads.
Interactive Everything
Exploration was a fundamental aspect of this project. Each down scroll led to a section that would have video, animate, hover and express a new part of the ecosystem so that the user could both see and feel the encompassing nature of the booj products.
Inner Pages
We created inner pages for users to tour a single section that they were most interested in. These pages were templated to support CMS changes should they need to be updated when the platform is updated.

Each tour of a section included a header image with caption callout and customizable tabbed sections. Each tab had the option to include content with a step-by-step video of features and a wysiwyg text editor.
RE/MAX Technology Website


RE/MAX Technology Website

Sitemap // Wireframes // Product Design // Prototypes
