Profil von Alina Pavlycheva

Life Guards Grenadiers by Schultz (19th century)

The Life Guards Grenadier Regiment by Karl Schultz (19th century)
Oil on canvas, Military-Historical Museum (Saint Petersburg)​​​​​​​
Before and after restoration:
Initial state:
Entire canvas had strong alterations and paint had various relief craquelure. There was a patch on the canvas. The paint surface had dirt, yellowed varnish. During previous repair, some overpaints were applied to mitigate and conceal the damages.

The back side of weakened original was cleaned of dirt, alterations were fixed. Edges of the canvas were cleaned and lined. Paint surface was consolidated, cleaned of dirt and yellowed varnish. The painting has been varnished and retouched.
Work in progress:
Life Guards Grenadiers by Schultz (19th century)


Life Guards Grenadiers by Schultz (19th century)

