Alina Pavlycheva's profile

Icon of the Life of Christ (18th century)

Icon of the Life of Christ (18th century)
Tempera on wood, Private collection.​​​​​​​
Before and after restoration:
Initial state:
The panel of icon had a big crack and was damaged by insects (numerous holes on the back side). The icon had numerous colour layer and ground to support losses. The white background areas of the icon were originally silver. The icon had no varnish and unfortunately large area of silver leaf was missing. During the previous conservation, the icon was cleaned and the silver wash was removed.

Icon surface was cleaned and consolidated, ground restored.
The silver background was cleaned and partially re-gilded. A gold-colored shellac was applied over the silver leaf to achieve the look of gold at a reduced costs by request of the collector. The icon has been varnished and retouched. Inscriptions were restored with watercolour. Another layer of varnish was put.
The back side of original was cleaned of dirt, holes and crack was fixed.
Work in progress:
Icon of the Life of Christ (18th century)


Icon of the Life of Christ (18th century)
