In this case, I combined two styles. Children's coloring and natural. To show customers the uniqueness of the product and give it a unique perception.
To show how you can promote a new collection of your clothes or show clothes extravagantly so that people feel the vibe of this product when buying. I created a non-commercial video for The North Face to show how you could attract new customers or highlight your product to your target audience.
Also, the Client received additional content that he can place on social networks, in posts or stories. Namely - 3D art to attract the attention of new people and tell about the novelty
Behind the scene
It was a great experience creating something new for your favorite brand. I think it turned out well and it deserves your attention. Before creating the video, it was necessary to research the brand's page and come up with something really cool. I hope I succeeded)
Thanks for watching! Big hug :) Cheers.
The fashion clothes
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The fashion clothes

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