Eid al-Adha 

 is the latter of the two official holidays which are celebrated within Islam (the other being Eid al-Fitr). It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of obedience to Allah's command. Before Ibrahim could sacrifice his son, however, God provided him with a lamb which he was supposed to kill in his son's place.In commemoration of this intervention, animals are ritually slaughtered. One third of their meat is consumed by the family which offers the animal, while the rest of the meat is distributed to the poor and the needy. Sweets and gifts are given, and extended family members are typically visited and welcomed.[6] The day is also sometimes called Big Eid or the Greater Eid.

Final Visual
Eid Adha Mubarak

Eid Adha Mubarak
