Lovely hostess at Victoria Resort & Spa, Hoi An
Walking down the beach near Da Nang, I was greeted by two local fisherman
early in the morning. Water must have been very cold as they were
both wearing jackets.
Street vendor, Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)
Market in Hoi An
Transporting ice to keep the fish cool after being unloaded 
from local fisherman
Who's Next....
Break time!
Walking down the aisle in the local grocery store
Get your fresh chickens while you can...
Hoi An. Bringing in new baskets
Saigon Market
Saigon. Carrying the local freight
Market catch, Hoi An
Having a cold one after work
Market courtyard in Cholon
Selling meat at the market
Small market in Saigon
People of Vietnam

People of Vietnam

Travels to Vietnam


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