The Future is Neutral™ | 3D Art for Renault

After Effects

The future is Neutral
The Future is Neutral is a new standalone holding enterprise by Renault Group, aiming to bring resource neutrality to the field of automotive industry.

These images were produced to illustrate the goal of this firm, being to create new car parts from older ones.
Our work was mainly based around shapes and texture exploration. These visuals were produced for the brand communication and used on their website and social media.



Clients : Tequilarapido, Renault Group
Pre-production : 
Maxence Henric
Art direction & Production : Charles Botalla, Louis vigreux
Editing : Jérémy Pintat


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The Future is Neutral™ | 3D Art for Renault

The Future is Neutral™ | 3D Art for Renault

We had the opportunity with Charles Botalla to work for The Future is NEUTRAL™, a new enterprise financed by RENAULT GROUP. This company has the Развернуть
