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One Analog Picture, One Video Story: Shotengai Blues

In this series, I bring my two passions together by composing songs for my favorite photographs, both showcased in short clips. I wrote a song inspired by the picture I took with the Canonet QL17 G-III and the negative Black & White film from Fujifilm, the Acros II
This Picture is the one that motivated me to start a photo project called, of course, Shotengai Blues. Since then, I am trying to visit some shopping arcades in the Kansai area so I can immortalise them before they all disappear. 
Thanks for watching! 
One Analog Picture, One Video Story: Shotengai Blues
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One Analog Picture, One Video Story: Shotengai Blues

A short video explaining the picture that turned out to be the first in my ongoing project "Shotengai Blues", shooting shopping arcades that are Daha Fazla Bilgi

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