Sarito a secas 的个人资料

Yoga Illustrations for Yoga Bliss Academy Scweiz

Illustrations for Yoga Bliss Academy Schweiz
Simple Line illustrations - Teaching Purposes

The Yoga Bliss Academy Schweiz required illustrations for their teacher training manuals, initially requesting 50 postures. The design brief specified the need for both a female and male yogi to demonstrate the postures, simple line spot-illustrations in one color. The process commenced with presenting several options for the female character selection.
Jazmin was the chosen one:.
Once the character was stablished, we then proceed to look for the male character.
I presented 3 options to the client
The client chose Karta, but asked for a few adjustments.
They wanted him to be more masculine, and not so cute. - "Like a grown man", they said.
I have to say, Yoga illustrations are my favourite thing. Being a Yoga teacher myself gives me deeper understanding of the posture for me to draw.
Yoga Illustrations for Yoga Bliss Academy Scweiz


Yoga Illustrations for Yoga Bliss Academy Scweiz

