Oluwatimilehin Akapo's profileTemitope Bridget's profile


Product Designer
Temitope Bridget Akapo(Copy and UX writer)
Google Docs
June 7th - June 27th 2022 

When people hear the word cancer, they automatically think of death, which can be if proper care is not taken: cancer can have a physical, emotional, and mental impact on a person. Cancer is becoming a global health issue, according to a study. In 2012, 14.1 million new cancer cases were diagnosed worldwide, with 8.2 million cancer-related deaths. According to the World Health Organization, by 2035, the world could experience 24 million new cancer diagnoses and 14.5 million cancer-related deaths in a year. Cancer is spreading at an alarming rate. The acknowledgment that cancer is a growing health problem is instigating efforts to address the issue. Countries may differ in finances and ability to administer healthcare services, but they can all agree on one thing: everyone needs health care.

However, by incorporating telemedicine as a core tool in the battle against cancer to aid in the early diagnosis and treatment of this fatal disease, everyone may identify and take measurable steps to improve cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and supportive care.

People facing a cancer diagnosis confront a series of complex decisions usually made quickly after diagnosis, but the effects of these decisions persist for months or years afterwards. Individuals often feel overwhelmed, out of control, and anxious to learn as much as possible.

- How might we empower people to seek out information and support, feel trust and confidence to share decision making with their care team, and decide on treatment pathways together?

- How might we support providers in educating their patients about treatment options?

- How can people feel more confidence and dignity throughout the highs and lows of their cancer journey?

- To empower patients to seek out informations on cancer treatment
- To make available reliable resources in educating patients on treatment options
- To help patient connect easily to experts

Design Methodology

Lean Ux was applied to solving this project due to the limited amount of time.

I was able to do carry out a secondary research and some of the issues with cancer treatment are:

- Lack of information: getting verified information seems to be a really grave issue these days because most information online are junks. this is one of the problems faced by cancer patient, not knowing if an information is reliable (link).

- Financial problem: treating cancer is quite expensive and most patients cannot afford to pay the bills (link)

- Finding Emotional and Support group: Upon hearing a diagnosis of cancer, the patient is faced with a multitude of issues. In addition to the medical and logistic details described previously, major concerns include fear of death, disfigurement, pain, disability, infertility, dependency, abandonment, altered relationships, and financial hardship. Information Reference (link)

- Restricted access to specialist due to location (link)
User Persona

From my research I was able to create a fictional user persona which shows the users bio, pain points, motivation and goals
User Journey Map

I created a user journey map to visualise a better experience for my user’s
Mind Map

I created a mind map to help me in brainstorming the features that would be incorporated into the application

After taking my time to study the problem statement and make my research her are some of my proffered solutions to the how might we problems

- How might we empower people to seek out information and support, feel trust and confidence to share decision making with their care team, and decide on treatment pathways together?
1. Blog post with treatment information
2. Pair patient with specialist
3. Regular check-ins with doctor (online and offline)
4. Conversations in community
5. Research with resources to motivate personal research

- How might we support providers in educating their patient about treatment options
1. Podcast with correct information
2. Conversations with doctors
3. Posting of information (videos, messages) of new treatments and tests
4. Comfort talks about fears/concerns
5. Testimonials of people who have tried certain treatments

- How can people feel more confidence and supported throughout the highs and low of their cancer journey
1. Create a community for support
2. Schedule doctor appointment for checkup’s
3.Talk to therapist for mental wellness
4. Listen to motivating and comforting podcast of stories
5. Allow others share their stories and tips
6. Have conversations with the virtual assistant
User Flow

In order to create solutions that support this state of flow, I developed a user flow to assist me in comprehending and anticipating the cognitive processes of the users.
Style guide

I created a style guide in order to ensure a continuous brand experience while making sure to carefully select colours that best defines the purpose of the app

I drew sketches to help me try out different ideas and iterate them before settling on one and proceeding to wireframe.

I did wireframes in order to layout content and functionality on the pages which takes into account user needs and user journeys
Onboarding Screens

The onboarding page was designed with the use of illustrations in such a way that the users can easily comprehend the major functionalities of the app at a glance
Home and Resources page

Homepage allows you easily access the major functionalities of the app

Resources Page screen houses cards to screens like blogs where textual information would be passed, videos for visual information, and podcasts where various commentaries could be listened to.
Virtual assistant

The virtual assistant is designed to listen to the user’s frustration and help with making them have a better day.
Community, Podcast and Account

Community: Users can search for podcasts that suit their tastes, make their own podcasts, and listen to a variety of audio commentary during a podcast session.

Podcast: Users are given the opportunity to participate in conversations that catch their attention, to respond to other users, and to forge support networks through community.

Account: Contains user’s profile which allows users to complete and edit their information as desired and some other functions.
Book a session

Patients can schedule a consultation with the doctor or fitness professional of their choice. They can review earlier meetings and conversations.
I conducted unmoderated remote usability testing using Maze.co in other to get feedback from potential users.

Test Objective
• Identify any usability and accessibility issue the user might encounter
• Get feedback on the overall task flow and user flow participants

8 users between the age of 18-40

Key Findings

• 87.5% of the users where able to complete their task
• 12.5% of the users ended the task before getting to complete it
• 87.5% of the users found the features of great use

Significant Remarks From Participant

Smooth navigation
The flow is straight forward. It was seamless
Excellent UI and even better UX, totally what I would use again and again.


User mentioned that he got confused due to the content of the page which was showing the availability of the doctor and the button Label 'Book a session' .​​​​​​​

Creating Wellness has been a personal and emotional journey for me as I have watched my loved ones lose important people to cancer. I have seen how late diagnosis, lack of community support, adequate funding, prompt information, and access to specialists has affected them. There are a lot of things I would have loved to add but I couldn’t because of time, I’ll add them below.

Comprehensive Virtual Assistant Flow: An assistant to keep track of the patient's progress on days they do not feel their best. It would work with the voice command to make it easy to use.

Interface for the fitness specialist: An interface detailing how users would interact with a fitness specialist, and how to create health/exercise regimens tailored to individual needs.

An interface for funding: Funding treatment is one issue that most of patients have issues with. The idea is to connect them with organisations that have enough funding to help their treatment.

Virtual Assistant: Other intended functionality regarding the virtual assistant are being able to use voice commands to ask the VA to schedule appointments or carry out other in-app tasks provided these functionalities are feasible and achievable

I believe Wellness will be useful for the health sector and it’ll make a positive impact on the life of patients.


Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is a hard thing and can be very overwhelming: this can result in the inability to maintain the lifestyle Read More
