Profilo di Robert Topping

Norwegian Fisk Kake [Starpack Awards Winner]

Norweigan Fish Cakes
My Respone to the Starpack Awards brief:  "Make Norweigan Fish Cakes jump off the shelves."
For my design i wanted to express Norway through its personality and characteristics as a location rather than put the typical visual cliches bound to be present on other submissions to the awards. For this i incorperated a bold colour scheme of rich royal blue, norweigan red, fish scale yellow, forest green and sea grey to represent every aspect of the country through colour. The triangle design harks back to the idea of fish scales and how this is such a vital part of the Norweigan life. 
For the type and logo I set out to create a personality for the brand and sell Norway’s fresh fish sourced locally. Firstly having the name in Norwegian was very important, therefore: ‘Fisk Kake’. Secondly a connection to where the fish is caught was needed, hence the ship wheel with the blue cross forming part of it. Below the main title ‘fersk fra Norge’ was added to reinforce the idea that this product was ‘fresh from Norway’ the English translation.
The opening mechanism for the packaging is that of a locking system with tabs. This system on its own can hold both fish cakes securely and remain closed. However for practicality in the market place I have added a tamper proof sticker.
The packaging contains a transparent window marked with the branding allowing the consumer to view the product and see that it is fresh and high quality. This not only contrasts against the existing pattern on the packaging but stands out against anything else on the shelf, composing part of the overall design.  The fact that supermarkets allocate square spaces in shelfs, this package will use the remaining space to draw the consumers eye.
Opening the package
Made from 300gsm ticket card the material maintains the industry standard of card but also uses minimal techniques to save on costs and protect the environment. No glue is used on the packaging except for the transparent window. The sticker used is 100% recycled and inside a greaseproof material protects the product from staining the package.  Designed to be a comfortable, secure fit this packaging is reusable and unique. 
Feedback Always Welcome
Norwegian Fisk Kake [Starpack Awards Winner]

Norwegian Fisk Kake [Starpack Awards Winner]

My Submission for the Starpack Awards brief: 'Make Norweigan Fish Cakes jump of the shelves.'
