Standing in Life 

by Stefan F. Wirth

Feeling Life
Life is diverse, flexible and sometimes unexpectedly adaptable. Life leaves changes behind, substances change into other substances, colors emerge from other colors, and when we close our eyes because we want to switch off, linger in ourselves, seek silence because we are exhausted from the frenzy of life that is present everywhere we don't find this stillness, because life has its constantly ongoing melody, and it is a polyphonic composition of scents that tirelessly waft through our noses and carry our bodies along, with the rhythm of life, imperceptibly we sway in its polyphonic melody.

Corydalis cava
So I close my eyes, get on my knees and bend forward. Free my upper body from the burden of the shirt to feel the weight of life with bare skin in the middle of a big city park. The many transparent hairs between my shoulder blades rise curiously and expectantly, but the weight of the air made of life immediately pushes them back to their original position, unyielding.
Trombidium holosericeum
Misumena vatia
Curculio glandium
I rise, take a deep breath, tune my hearing into what feels like infinity, my chest rises and falls, slowing down. A stream of life everywhere, without which I myself could not be part of all this turbulent aliveness.
Photos: Berlin park Rehberge and North Berlin areas, April to June 2022

all copyrights Stefan F. Wirth, 2022
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