Michael Hammonds profil

Trek MOD Big Wheel - 2009

TREK MOD BIGWHEEL 2007:  The MOD project was a great opportunity to do something you would want to do as a 6 year old boy:  design your own big wheel.  We are not talking about a $29 big wheel at the big box store - we're talking about an aluminum-framed-power-drifting-awesome machine!
Sketch concepts - I did a few quick sizing studies based on current products.  The product manager wanted to add a special feature:  make it adult-rideable.  So the geometry needed to be able to stretch a bit...
We got the first proto back from our vendor (there was still snow on the ground) and did an indoor test with various aged children.  We found a few surprises like the brake levers - too far of reach for such little hands!  We modified them accordingly.  The painted wheels didn't work as planned on polished concrete either...
Unintended user scenario:  Travis Pastrana.  The man took a MOD and back flipped it (among other stunts) It is rather amazing he did not break his neck, and amazing the MOD held up to the test!
Trek MOD Big Wheel - 2009

Trek MOD Big Wheel - 2009

Trek MOD big wheel - 2008
