Perfil de Wasserman Chiropractic

Phsyical Therapy in Coral Springs

Wasserman Chiropractic has provided care to residents of Coral Springs and the nearby area. By offering specialized treatment for common injuries, Phsyical Therapy Coral Springs sustained in traffic accidents, and sports-related injuries, we are dedicated to helping our Florida community. With experience in a variety of therapeutic modalities, we'll make sure you get the correct mix of therapies to take care of your individual issues. Additionally, you may access our comprehensive chiropractic treatments from a conveniently situated facility in Coral Springs, making it easy and convenient for you to get the treatment you require. Nearly all insurance companies accept us. Contact 954-755-1980 for further information.
Phsyical Therapy in Coral Springs
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Phsyical Therapy in Coral Springs

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