Profiel van Nawal Masri

Self-reflection Paintings

Self-reflection by Nawal El Masri
"I don’t follow rules and I don’t paint inside the lines. I close my eyes and allow the visions and emotions to flow out just like the formation of tears inside the human body, a form of release. Stop judging yourself and start expressing.
It should be your way of living."

365 days of tears

1/4 — "we are all the same. we are all secretly in pain."
Vulnerability; thank you for teaching me strength, courage, bravery, resilience, compassion, unity, empathy and above all thank you for teaching me kindness and love. Thank you for teaching me that to release means to liberate & to express means to begin to meet myself. In the midst of depression and 365 days of tears vulnerability gave me the space to express myself through painting

2/4 — childhood trauma; it is indeed real and painful. It lives in most of us if not all of us who; as the term states, experienced trauma. For others it is not necessarily a traumatic experience but it can be a simple insecurity or encounter. Wether we choose to check in or not, it is there. it is paving the way to your future. It is altering your decisions and your perceptions. Meeting your child self can be a fearful process one that needs courage, resilience & strength. Above all love and patience with yourself. I met her; she is a moon-child, a rebel, a strong and passionate expressionist, she is filled with play and admiration to the simplest of things. She is strength and vulnerability packed in one human soul. Above all she is love. I found her sitting in the middle of my heart constantly flooded with pain and tears, hiding in corners. We had conversations that kept us up for nights and soon after I finally understood and talked her out of her pain. I pour in my heart, love,
self-care, empathy, compassion, nurture, vulnerability, faith & balance. And there I am all of a sudden re-born

I used painting as my form of release to mirror my thoughts and give them a platform to flow out rather than get stuck inwards.
Tune in to truth

3/4 — tuning in to the sound of your heart, self-reflecting & shining light on insecurities, pains, worries, fears, doubts & judgement is not an easy path to take. But once you decide to look in and start a conversation with yourself you are rewarded with liberation and internal freedom. A type of internal tranquility you can ever only receive when standing on a mountaintop. I started painting again when the pain got so loud that journaling wasn’t enough. I needed another medium to self express and painting got me through. I used the canvases as my visual mirror to self-reflect and release my thoughts. To put them into perspective and not allow the loop to feed itself.

"I stopped judging what the painting looked like and I started genuinely expressing. I don’t care to be a professional painter this is not my business I care to be a professional at my internal state of mind and in control of my internal being and I will use every God given tool to keep that balance. I don’t follow rules and I don’t paint inside the lines. I close my eyes and allow the visions and emotions to flow out just like the formation of tears inside the human body, a form of release. Stop judging yourself and start expressing. It should be your way of living."
Welcome Home

4/4 — And after years and years and years of self-reflection & realizations,
of dying and re-birthing, de-constructing and re-building, I can feel the light.
I can see beyond the pain that drowned me and was fed to me
Beyond the toxic consumption of perspectives, labels and expectations.
Beyond the selfish personalities that drain your pure soul and lead you to self-destruction. The journey is not to find yourself but to go back home to yourself. To the light that you are, to the peace and love that your body and soul is familiar with.
Back to the growth and to the familiarity of connecting and being one with
our dear earth and fellow humans. Where we know all the answers, where we see the truth that surrounds us within and without, where the light is our guide and
the darkness is just a hindering distant voice no longer relevant to our survival.
We are made of light, embrace it, don't allow the world to dim it.
Feed the soil, feel growth and let the sun guide you home.

Self-reflection Paintings


Self-reflection Paintings


Creatieve disciplines