Profil Syed Waqas Saghir

One Last Goodbye | by Syed Waqas Saghir | #SyedInfinity

One Last Goodbye | by Syed Waqas Saghir | My Writings | #SyedInfinity
Before her beautiful soul departed heaven,
before she left him this world alone forever,
before she started to cry like she used to every night,
he asked;
“Will you call me to tell you’re alright,
cause I’ll worry about you the whole night”

the day you left me alone,
I asked;
Do I not need to find any reason to be angry with the God?
when the sun goes down every evening,
I am curious to know,
Each passing day without you;
if it’s a nightmare; or a living hell!

Though you live inside me every moment,
& if I have to Pray again someday,
I’ll ask God,
can you send her back one last time,
So I can tell;
“if we do meet again, we shall smile,
if not, this parting was well made!”

Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
Romeo and Juliet
Yes it’s just a start! And I shall write
to be continued……
One Last Goodbye | by Syed Waqas Saghir | #SyedInfinity


One Last Goodbye | by Syed Waqas Saghir | #SyedInfinity
