Manel Drareni's profile

Jungly June of Animals

Jungly June of Animals Challenge 1st edition
Jungly June of Animals is a drawing challenge that brings awareness to the endangered animals on our planet. It is a call for artists and illustrators to speak about the ecosystem's future with their art. Get your pencils and make your voice heard today! #junglyjuneofanimals2021 @junglyjuneofanimals
01/06 - 08/06 ✨ Endangered birds
09/06 - 16/06 ✨ Endangered mammals
17/06 - 24/06 ✨ Endangered fishes
25/06 - 30/06 ✨ Endangered reptiles
Endangered birds
🌿 The endangered kiwi is adorable. It can't fly and its egg is huge. People of New Zealand were called Kiwis because of the birds, native to that region.
🦩 Flamingos got their name from Spanish language due to their color (refers to fire). These majestic birds are endangered because of pollution and loss of habitat. They can create bonds with other flamingos.
🐧 Atlantic puffins are in a critical situation due to pollution and the changes in small and big fishes.
Endangered mammals
🐻‍❄️ Polar bears are classified as marine mammals. They have black skin and white fur. They can swim for days at a time.
🦒 Giraffe's heads are 2m away from their heart, earlier studies showed that their blood pressure is twice that of other mammals. The dark color of their tongue is a result of extra melanin/sort of natural sunscreen. Their neck is too short to reach the ground.
🐒 Tarsiers are completely carnivorous. They commit suicide when they are held in captivity. They get traumatized by loud noise and touching. They can rotate their head 180 degrees, enabling precise backward leaping through trees and other vegetation. They are nocturnal animals, and they use their very large eyes to navigate about and hunt for food at night.
Endangered fishes
🐟 Our little sardines are endangered.
🦈 Many sharks are endangered due to habitat degradation, climate change, and commercial fishing.
🐠 Darters are small fishes found in Ozarks Missouri (fresh water). They are endangered due to habitat loss.
Endangered reptiles
🐲 Komodo dragon is currently listed as vulnerable due to habitat loss and loss of large prey (such as deer)
Book Mockup
Full poster 
Illustrations for the challenge Jungly June of Animals by Manel Drareni.​​​​​​​Hosts @anou.fabre @archita_illustrations @maneldrareni @megsville_design 

Jungly June of Animals


Jungly June of Animals
