Dr. Rajendra Bansals profil

varicose veins treatment in Jaipur

Varicose Veins Treatment in Jaipur by Dr. Rajendra Bansal 
Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins seen on the skin, also known as varicosities. These veins can occur anywhere in the body but generally more common in legs.

How varicose veins occur?                                          
Normally there are two systems in the body, one is arterial that carries blood away from the heart and another is venous that returns to the heart. In that case the blood flows against the gravity to reach in the heart from legs. Veins have a valve that maintains the flow of blood towards the heart and prevent backflow. When these valves damage then blood start leaking back into veins and results in enlarged swollen veins known as Varicose veins.
Almost 30-40% population is suffering from this condition due to multiple factors especially due to the sedentary lifestyle. Women have more tendency to develop varicose veins mainly during pregnancy which results in pressure on the main vein called Large Vena Cava by the gravid uterus that results in the increment in venous pressure in legs and results damaged to the valve.

The General Causes of Varicose veins are:
Prolong standing or sitting
Genetic Factors
Secondary to Deep Vein Thrombosis
Hormonal factors

Varicose Veins Symptoms:
In most of the cases, there is no pain in these veins. So common symptoms include:
Veins appear a bit twisted, swollen and lumpy
The color of the veins changes to dark purple or blue

Advantages of these new Varicose Veins Treatments:
Faster Recovery as compared to traditional surgical methods.
Less or No Scar on the affected area after treatment.
No need for Anaesthesia.
OPD or Day Care procedure.
No Post Operative Pain hence, the patient can resume his/her working from the next day.
varicose veins treatment in Jaipur

varicose veins treatment in Jaipur


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