Ignite the moment with your own definition.

With no clear picture of the epidemic in sight, there is a growing demand for scent products that provide emotional comfort, particularly for the home. The hopeful power of scent to soothe the mind is a source of comfort for those seeking a sense of stability in this state of panic and desperate need for stability.

Website: 12am.com.tw​​​​​​​


Key Ideas
Post-Modernism Inspired 後現代主義的 / Spiritual 有靈性的 /
Characterful 個性鮮明的 / Refreshing 煥然一新的 / Luxury-Street 頂級街頭感

12am 代表著一日紛亂的結尾,也象徵著即將迎接新日光的起點,該如何定義,隨心而搖曳,透過這個時分釋放內心原型,時而突破黑暗,時而撫慰安定,瀰漫於空氣中的氣味也會因個人的生活感悟而賦予獨到的見解。於是我們在 12am 形象內容中將運用多種不規則的意象展現不受限的獨特性及日常的反叛。

12am,00:00,midnight,在夜色裡交換日子的一瞬,同時坐擁一天的結束與開端。對我們來說,這個屬於過渡的片刻是全然自由的,每個人都能以自己的方式賦予它定義,也因此 12am 使我們對它深深著迷。在 12am,你能找到完整日常儀式的那塊拼圖,讓儀式觸發轉化,點亮你對這一刻最個人化的定義。

12am, 00:00, midnight, all mark the transition time from one day to the next, the moment itself carries the meaning of begin and end of each day. Therefore to us, the idea of 12am represents liberty. Since anyone can define this time differently, we are enchanted that we make it our name. At 12am, you can find the last puzzle to complete your ritual and generate your definition for the moment.

在整體視覺上,我們希望透過有些怪誕的構圖與設定,展現 12am 在選物方向上的獨特性,也投射出他們認真把對生活風格的執念,放進每一件挑選的物件。12am 團隊對於平凡日常的反叛及獨特性,與後現代主義概念當中對一成不變的反動相似,因此我們取用後現代藝術及建築的不規則形狀、材質特性、輪廓組合,呈現出 12am 勇於嘗試及打破窠臼的態度。

Visual Identity
Logotype 以黃金比例的架構為基準,彎曲的弧度展現出超現實的風格,並在排版中延伸2的線條,使排版帶連延續性,呼應時間過渡的概念,底下的 AM 則採用羅馬數字的結構,字母 A 也狀似時針,讓時間的概念體現在 logo 的每個角落。

Collaterals Design

Website Design
Interior Direction

CL. 12am╱DA. Phil Studio

Thank you :)




With no clear picture of the epidemic in sight, there is a growing demand for scent products that provide emotional comfort, particularly for the Read More
