Egor Isaev 的個人檔案

Short film Left One, 2020

Shortfilm Left one, 2020. '21 min. Directed by Egor Isaev. Postpictures production
Left One is a an award-winning short (30+ international selections) that tells a story of a clandestine left-wing activist operation in latter-day Putin’s Russia. The short deals with the topic of political resistance in an ever-exacerbating authoritarian regime.
Olga's quiet and measured temper is uprooted when an old acquaintance shows up on her doorstep: the man is badly wounded and needs help. The uninvited reemergence of Olga’s past will wreak havoc on her present.
Cast: Inna Suhoreckaya, Leonid Telezhinskiy, Pavel Karpov, Alexander Topuriya
Crew: director, writer Egor Isaev, producer Anna Pyrova, cinematographer Alexey Evdokimov, art director Anna Marinicheva, сomposer Maya Shmidt, sound director Alexandr Glavatskiy

Available on Xumo and Lookhu VOD and on Youtube
Short film Left One, 2020


Short film Left One, 2020

