Profilo di Guido Agüero G.

No Güon Animation Experiment

This is another great personal project I took for improving my animation skills!
I put in practice most of the tecniques I have learned so far in animation! So this is the result and I am really happy with the final result.
In Costa Rica, it seems that it's just a variable used to refer to any person without saying his name. So, it's synonymous with "tipo" or "fulano", “mae” or "so-and-so" or "guy", “boy”, “dude”, “bro” in English.
I worked on this project in my spare time. 
It took about 2 weeks.
I hope you enjoy it and do not hesitate to commend share and like!
Pura Vida from Costa Rica!
Software used: Adobe after Effects
Design & Sound Design by Guido Agüero.
Keyframe work.
Animation Process
No Güon Animation Experiment

No Güon Animation Experiment

This is another great personal project I took for improving my animation skills! I put in practice most of the tecniques I have learned so far in Leggi di più
