Ryan Holm 的个人资料

ANP100 - Ryan Holm

ANP100 - Assessment 1 - Ryan Holm - Keyframe Animation
Week 1

In the first week, we went over the basics of keyframe animation and applied this type of animation to a square we made in Photoshop. My animation for this was simple, but I used a basic ease-in ease-out technique to make it a little more interesting. I did this by adding more frames movement at the start and the end, leaving just a few frames in the middle to portray a quicker movement.
Week 2

In Week 2, we took a look at Houdini and had an overview of Cubey and his controls, as well as how to set keyframes and edit animation curves four our own animation. As I have previously used Autodesk Maya for animating 3D objects, I was pleased to discover that keyframe animation in Houdini was not terribly different to Maya. There were a couple of instances that I was a little confused about, but any confusion was very quickly aided and I found learning this program pretty easy.

As I started my animation for this assessment, I first struggled a bit with figuring out what I wanted Cubey to do and spent some time planning my animation out. I took a look the principles of animation for inspiration, and decided to start with Cubey moving quickly along the side. I used the anticipation technique for Cubey readying up, and made him move along to Point B within a small amount of frames at the beginning and added an ease-out to the final destination. I also made Cubey squash in his movement, and stretch out  a little as he came to a stop, to further portray the rapid motion. After stopping, I had Cubey jump using the arc technique which I learned to edit the animation curves to get more of a flow.
Week 3

In Week 3, we learned more about animating several techniques inside Houdini. Continuing with my assessment, I added a bounce after Cubey's jump and made him rotate as he reached the top of this bounce, making him land face first, adding a little slide across the ground after landing. I held this for a few frames before I animated Cubey getting back up on his feet (or lack there-of).

I originally planned to make this segment longer. However, I was running out of room to do this on the timeline, as I had already reached frame 181. I also struggled quite a bit making this part look more realistic, as I had to constantly move Cubey along on the X, Y and Z axis while he was rotating. 

Week 4

In Week 4, I finalised my animation, and decided to add an object that Cubey would bump into after his movement in the beginning. I then animated the camera, with a one-shot movement throughout. I wasn't really happy with the quick zoom in I had at the end, so I decided to turn it into a jump cut to show Cubey getting back up from his fall. 

The animation curves were pretty easy to figure out in some parts of the animation, but some parts were a bit of a challenge to get right with a good amount of flow. However, after some trial and error, it didn't take long to get it looking right.
ANP100 - Ryan Holm

ANP100 - Ryan Holm


