French Chicks are a simple set of NFT's I created with my first dip into this world. Probably initially overpriced lol because I didn't understand how things operated. Since spending time in that world I discovered it is set up a little different than what I would like and I may not continue long in it.

French Chick "Noel" was originally a pencil sketch out of my sketchbook. I think if I remember right, I photographed it into a drawing app on my iPad where I traced and colored it digitally. Another color variation of this chick ended up on a t-shirt my mom purchased. Then my sister had it put on a set of notecards. Then I took my original chick and created variations and these are my NFTs. I have since evolved them into more interesting variations that you can see in my portfolio. I'm not sure what I will do next with my little hatchies...
NFT French Chick


NFT French Chick
