Rekindle- Introduction Content
Rekindle For Men Short Product Description

Rekindle For Men

Caim’s Rekindle for men, as the name suggests, helps reignite your sexual appetite in small doses everyday! Our sugar-free bars of chocolate with clinically proven nutrient-rich natural ingredients synergistically manage your mood, boost fertility, stamina, metabolism, cognitive function and energy levels, to help keep your sex life active and testosterone pumping. The absolute pleasure package, our vitamin blend is available in three decadent flavours and is a stress-buster and libido booster. We recommend 1 piece of Rekindle a day. 

Rekindle For Men

A bar a day to keep low libido at bay. Meet Rekindle, a nutrient-rich blend of clinically studied natural ingredients that helps keep your sex life active. This synergistic mix ensures you are in a better mood, have more energy and keeps your testosterone pumping to help you perform, not just for a day but for a lifetime. We recommend one piece of this delectable chocolate everyday to help reawaken your sexual appetite. 

Rekindle For Men

Your mood, your stamina, your nutritional intake and your sex-drive are all interconnected. Our busy lifestyles usually mean a lack of nutrient-rich food which amounts to low immunity and poor health often resulting in a low libido and feeling unsexual! Rekindle is a unique blend of clinically tested natural herbal extracts that helps you boost your immune system, energy, stamina and testosterone levels to give you a soaring libido and an active sex-life. We recommend one bar a day to reignite your sensuality. 

Rekindle For Men

Your mood, your stamina, your nutritional intake and your sex-drive are all interconnected. Our busy lifestyles usually mean a lack of nutrient-rich food.  This amounts to low immunity and poor health often resulting in a hormonal imbalance that leads to a lack of energy, low testosterone and all of it culminating into a low libido. Rekindle is a unique blend of clinically tested natural herbal extracts that helps you boost your immune system, energy, stamina and testosterone levels to give you a soaring libido and an active sex-life. We recommend one bar a day to reignite pleasure in your life.

Wrapped up in the next phase of their life – too many inhibitions responsibilities. Desire for sex reduces and bad food amplifies this. Everything that comes your way takes you away from a pleasurable sexual life

Rekindle For Men

Not being able to perform in bed can be stressful and devastating. As scary as it sounds, most of these issues stem from a lack of nutrition in your body. Meet Rekindle, a vitamin rich blend that helps you tackle the ill effects of low testosterone, sullen mood and lack of energy by giving your body clinically proven natural ingredients that help reignite your sex life. Available in three delectable sugar-free flavours, these nutritious chocolate bars boost your libido, immunity and help gear you into the mood. We recommend one bar a day 2 hours before bedtime. 

Rekindle For Men

Did you know your mood, your stamina, your nutritional intake and your sex-drive are all interconnected? Low nutrient intake usually amounts to disinterest in sex and feeling unsexual! 
We bring to you, Rekindle, a sugar-free, multi-benefit blend that helps you experience an increase in testosterone levels, stamina and better cognitive function to help you relax and boost your libido and virility. Formulated with bio-soluble and clinically studied nutrients, this nutrient-rich chocolate   changes the way you look at food, nutrition and sexual wellness. 

Rekindle For Men:

Rekindle For Men

You know what they say, eat dessert first, it gets you in the mood! Meet Rekindle, a vitamin rich and nutritious blend of clinically tested and proven natural ingredients, in the form of a bar of chocolate, that reignites your sex drive and helps you keep up with your partner’s libido. The nutrient rich constituents ensure an increase in testosterone levels, a boost in fertility, energy and stamina, elevated mood and a strengthened immune system to keep your sex life active and pumping. 

Rekindle For Men | Tagline Options For The Box

Rekindle: your mojo again!
Rekindle: Yo 
Rekindle: your sensuality!
Rekindle: your passion!
Rekindle - for a more passionate you! 
Rekindle - for a young, wild and free you! 
Rekindle - sexual wellness redefined
Rekindle - getting your health on! 
Rekindle - nutrition for your passion! 
Rekindle - passionate nutrition
Rekindle - the goodness of sensuality 
Rekindle - to stimulate your body and mind! 
Rekindle - for love, passion and nutrition
Rekindle - sexual self-care made simple 
Rekindle - the pleasure package!
Rekindle - awaken your passion!
Rekindle - awaken your sensuality! 
Rekindle - your path to pleasure!
Rekindle - your wellness journey to pleasure 
Rekindle - to take passion up a notch 
Rekindle - daily love 
Rekindle - nutrition for daily love 
Rekindle - the love vitamin your body needs! 
Rekindle - the love bunny in you! 
Rekindle - the care you deserve
Rekindle - a feast for sexual wellness 
Rekindle - a feast for passion
Rekindle - nutrition for love! 
Rekindle - love wellness made yummy! 
Rekindle - mindful nutrition for sexual wellness 
Rekindle - Nourishment for your sexual health 
Rekindle - the libido vitamin
Rekindle - your/The  X-Factor
Rekindle - nutrition for stress-free passion
Rekindle - a day keeps low libido at bay
Rekindle - the stress-buster and libido-booster
Rekindle - nutrition for your libido!
Rekindle - bust stress, boost libido
Rekindle - Conquer the bed again!
Rekindle - To Perform!

Short Bio – why + what + how 
Short Bio - packaging
What problem 
Solution : what our product is 
Ingredient efficacy 

Short Bio Option 1:

21st century lifestyles add to your stress levels and take away a lot of you, piece by piece. Growing up has never been easy, especially once you cross your 30s. By which time it's literally all work and no mood left for play. The lack of time and motivation to make sure you eat nutritious food usually means a dearth of essential vitamins and nutrients in your body. This inturn results in low energy, hormonal imbalance, low testosterone and therefore a lowered levels of the happy hormones, low libido and reduced interest in sex. No matter how hard you try, the food you eat will never make up for this loss. As scary as it sounds, this isn’t the end of it! We bring to you Rekindle, a unique blend of clinically tested natural herbal extracts, that helps you boost your immune system, energy, stamina and testosterone levels to give you a more balanced hormonal support and elevate your mood. We recommend one bar a day to reawaken your youth and reignite your mind and body. 

Short Bio Option 2: 

Welcome to your 30s! It’s added greys, responsibilities and a lot of stress! As the years go by, you have less time and motivation to focus on what foods you put into your body. This inadvertently affects your health and , there's a lack of energy and your testosterone levels are constantly dropping. The result? a low libido and decreasing desire to have sex. Enter Rekindle, a unique blend of clinically tested natural herbal extracts, that helps you boost your immune system, energy, stamina and testosterone levels to give you a soaring libido and an active sex-life. We recommend one bar a day to bring back pleasure to your dirty thirties! 

What is the problem?

As you grow older and step into your thirties and forties, you also step into the burden of work and infinite responsibilities. We tend to put our body and health at the bottom of the priority list. All the stress from work plus the weekend debauchery to “unwind”, really do not help. A low nutrient intake doesn’t just mean that your body lacks vitamins. The problems actually manifest in bigger ways. It sets a chain reaction in action. Low vitamin presence in the body lowers your energy, reduces your stamina and really affects your immunity. Not only that, but this is one of the major causes of low testosterone levels in a man’s body. This inevitably means a lower libido and a drastically decreased sex drive, which inturn means that your body has no release, leading to a sullen mood and more stress. See what we mean by a chain reaction? 

The Solution: 
Rekindle, a multi-benefit blend of clinically proven ingredients that help tackle the ill effects of vitamin deficiencies on your mind, body and your libido. These bars are concoctions of natural plant based products like Ashwagandha to help reduce stress and anxiety and boost testosterone production in the body, Ginseng to help increase endurance, libido and immunity, Safed Musli and Kapikachhu to help improve male fertility and nervous disorders and Saffron extracts that are great antioxidants and help elevate the mood. Synergistically all these ingredients help improve your overall immunity while increasing testosterone production in your body and hence your sexual health. The architecture has just the right proportions of these extracts such that it is highly bioavailable meaning that the body is able to absorb all the goodness without excreting it or storing the excess and putting pressure on your kidneys. We recommend one bar a day regularly to see benefits. 

Rekindle - a feast for passion
Rekindle - your path to pleasure!
Rekindle - nutrition for daily love 

Rekindle by Caim

Rekindle by Caim
