Silhouettes and quick sketches for plant designs.
Orthographic drawings and coloured concept illustration for plant.
Life cycle of plant.
Life cycle sketches for plant.
B/W Thumbnails for enviroinment illustration.
Concept illustration for environment.
Quick armor silhouette shapes.
Final concept for robo-cat.
Sculptris digital sculpt of augmented cat design.
Silhouette sketches leading up to prey design.
Concept illustration of prey in its surroundings.
Life cycle sketches of prey.
Sculptris digital model of prey creature.
Predatory animal design.
Sci-fi mobile camera design.
Sci-fi high tech helmet design.
Two different costume designs for character.
B/W thumbnails for final illustration.
Quick colour comps done before going to the final painting.
This is the final concept illustration digital painting that included all of the different elements developed over the quarter, including flora and fauna, environment, costume, and equipment.
Concept Design Project

Concept Design Project

I took a concept art class, and in this class we had to create a bunch of different assets for an alien world that we came up with. Firstly, we Další informace
