Do you know your neighbours? ­
When 2,000 people were asked if they knew their neighbours, 42% knew fewer than 5% on their street.
Almost a quarter hadn’t spoken to a neighbour in a month. 1 in 5 admitted not to recognise a neighbour in a supermarket.
People with busy life styles, frequently moving houses and the stress on families make building a strong community in the neighbourhood more difficult. A sense of community has been lost.
Unity St. app allows people to get to know their neighbours in a simple way. The app searches for your nearest neighbours and allows you to find information such as their names, occupation, house number and if they have any pets. It also makes socialising among busy people easier, by being able to post messages e.g. about organising events, asking favours and giving general updates on the area.
Unity St. app will be beneficial to neighbourhoods, making people feel safer, helping people know who is living around them, strengthening local communities, establishing new friendships and reducing isolation.
Get to know your neighbours with Unity St. app
Unity St. App

Unity St. App

Unity St. app allows people to get to know their neighbours in a simple way. The app searches for your nearest neighbours and allows you to find Read More
