Kristopher Ho's profile


Street Art
[TWO AS ONE] - Everything is about love and we are bonded by different forms of love. Love for yourself, your family, your friends, your partner and the world. Everything is connected and it’s a way to make you a better person, incubate and grow endless possibilities. ⁣

This mural is again done with two separate layers: THE HANDS and THE SOLITUDE. Two murals overlapping each other to provide a visual representation of my perception of relationships. Two hands holding each other symbolises the union of two individuals and how one triggers growth of the golden flower, symbolises possibilities and hope. Snow leopards are one of the loneliest and most isolated creatures in the wild world, here it symbolises one’s solitude and how a positive relationship can soothe and comfort one's emotions and soul. The mural can be viewed as two separate pieces, yet when viewed as one, the hands will appear as if it’s gently lifting the head of the snow leopard, giving it support and comfort, connecting both. Everything is connected and two as one, echoing the core message of “TWO AS ONE”.⁣

Recently I have been exploring different ways to present my story and my personal feelings through my work. I suppose I have always been someone who presents myself better with my work rather than words. “TWO AS ONE” is my latest experimentation. While working on smaller murals, it’s important to pay more attention to the composition and the context, since the size is much smaller and it’s important to find a way to create the same amount of impact of a bigger mural. Context has always been my main focus when creating work and it shall never be compromised.⁣

