Mod Goddess
The Pragmatic Beauty Addict
Launched October 2009, Mod Goddess required a cross-platform brand identity along with marketing and business strategy planning. The owner leverages her "insider" make-up knowledge, experience and practical shopping expertise to present a robust and comprehensive content offering on her blog, proving indespensibly useful to consumers seeking shopping empowerment.

About Mod Goddess:
The main goal for the owner is to establish expertise and share knowledge about make-up, cosmetics and body products - an enormous category, with overly confusing and overwhelming product choices and brand promises made by manufacturers and merchandisers. Mod Goddess cuts through the confusion offering a straight-forward insight into the products worth spending the money on, the one's that are overpriced and how to find cheaper alternatives and achieve similar if not better results. Consumer empowerment at it's best.

About the project:
Comprehensive and dynamic social marketing assets; logo, look and feel, typography, editorial tone, strategic alliances, affiliate networking program, Twitter, FB and iPhone integration.
Mod Goddess logo, illustration and blog header.
Mod Goddess iPhone Application interface.
Mod Goddess branded Twitter account interface.
Mod Goddess

Mod Goddess

