Juniper berries, the key ingredient in gin production, played a significant role in the 18th century Gin Craze in London. The excessive consumption of gin led to societal issues and loss of government control, prompting the passage of the Gin Act 1751 to raise prices. Despite its tumultuous past, juniper-flavored gin has undergone a resurgence in recent years. Today, it is crafted with care and precision, appealing to a new generation of discerning drinkers who appreciate the unique and complex flavors imparted by the juniper berry.

The illustration highlights the ironic ease with which gin became available to the public, which ultimately led to the widespread problem of alcoholism. Despite the government's five-year delay in recognizing this issue, they attempted to address it by lowering prices. However, as the illustration suggests, this approach only exacerbated the problem, much like pouring alcohol on a fire only makes it worse.



