Nike 5k Run


Portland Chamber of commerce partnered with Nike to sponsor the city’s first 5k run of the year since the 2020 shutdown. 

The Alliance advocates for business at all levels of government to support commerce, community health, and the region’s overall prosperity.

The reopening of the city of Portland was coming near and as a way to get the city excited and motivated, the Portland Chamber of commerce partnered with Nike to sponsor the city’s first 5k run of the year since the 2020 lockdown.

First, we needed to communicate that his event was going to enforce the COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time. Secondly, we needed to make sure the diversity of cultures that encompass the city of Portland were represented in our visuals and communications. Being a minority-led studio, we believe in creating mass marketing work that represents everyone and is inclusive. 

And lastly, we had just one week to start and finish this project — so all hands were on deck.


We focused on creating a marketing campaign that felt optimistic, safe to attend, and inclusive. The most effective way to accomplish these goals was to use playful illustrations paired with inviting colors.

When it comes to illustrating, we started where we always start, low fidelity sketches. This was the quickest way to get feedback. We made sure that the illustrations were simple to execute while still creating art that represented the health, safety, and diversity the client wanted to make sure was communicated.

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Nike 5k Run

Project Made For

Nike 5k Run

Portland Chamber of commerce partnered with Nike to sponsor the city’s first 5k run of the year since the 2020 shutdown. The Alliance advocates Read More
